Living Room
When moving my Smart Device to another room in my house on the same WiFi network, do I have to set it up again in the App?
All of our Smart Devices save the log in information that you entered when setting up the device so if you were to unplug the device and move it to a different room in the same house it would reconnect to the same Wi-Fi Network automatically once it boots back up. If you plug the device back in and it is in a different place with a different Wi-Fi Network, you will need to delete the device in the Smart App and then set it up again like a new device on the new Wi-Fi Network. When you delete the device before setting it up on an another network, it might ask you if you want to delete and wipe data or delete and keep data. If you wipe the data, when you add it again to the App it will be in factory settings. If you delete it and you don't wipe the data, when you add it again to the App it will keep the custom name you gave the device if you did give it a custom name.